PAUL WINSTON SMITH - Obeedient Eareverent Drumble

Wut, mite u ask wood wun with a keen sense of visual kandy have in kommon with a rithemic conasewer of the inglish languid?

Why, it is simply simple dimple.... Paul Wimple Smith! An avid drumble frum the age of 2, this gentel seeker of happy siskals with lollees and bobbees and sweet tangereens has rekognized his true kalling in life... and has anserd it with open hart and open fly traps.

Alas, there are few like him, my trustee broogles and siskals. For whom else duz not the grass gro underfoot? For whom else if kuvered even in the sweetest of honeys, wood not there be flies up on him? For whom else wood march to the beet of his very own drumble if not Pol Winsting Smithereens? Beleeve not me, oh dowtful droog! Draw ur own kollusions!

Shameless, there is not more of him to go around. Peek he now, or klear the deks for: Patrik Giggle Hardly